Best New Years Resolution EVER: Stop Fooling Yourself!

Stop fooling yourself that you're totally fine being single. I get it -  you've made yourself believe you can have a perfectly fine life on your own because you're so done with the hurt, drama, and games people play. But you're only fooling yourself- the human need to love and be loved never goes away. Besides, it's not love you're sick of - just bad love.

But what if you could find your epic, fairytale, forever romance? I know right now you're probably thinking that it doesn't really exist. It's just that - a fairytale, something that doesn't exist in real life. Real relationships are hard work - but that's only when you haven't met your perfect match! I promise you that the love of your life is out there, hoping to find you as much as you them.

You're not just a left shoe!

You have a perfect match, a person who will adore you and appreciate you, and be grateful for every moment spent with you. Someone who will love you exactly as you are because you're the perfect match in every area of life for them as well. But that kind of love doesn't just happen by accident. You won't find them through random hook-ups from the available dating pool. We accept the value of planning ahead in every area of life. We wouldn't think of spending even one thin dime on a business venture without projections and objectives, and detailed plans. Yet, we're willing to fly blind as bats when it comes to the most relationship of our lives - the one on which we expect to spend significant parts of our life - and potentially half of our net worth!

The List Method aims to hack the way we go about finding love. Instead of relying on dumb luck to find someone and then spending precious time on trial and error to figure out if they were the one, or meeting someone who more or less fits the bill and then working hard to make it stay afloat, you'll learn about the inner workings of your mind to see why you so often sabotage your own happiness. You'll come to recognize and clear away your internal barriers to successful relationships. You'll become conscious of your personal desires, standards, values, hopes, and dreams so you can create a detailed, descriptive List of the ONE person who is your perfect match. Armed with your List it could potentially take only days to find the love of your life.

That's how it worked for me - and now, years later, I still have a major crush on my love and it just grows and grows.  I know it can work for you, too if you're willing to do the work. Along with the book, you'll receive a FREE workbook and two FREE visualizations to help you create the necessary new neural connection in your brain to allow you to experience your bright, new future.

Go to today to learn more

The List Method is a simple step-by-step way to find the love of your life using neuroscience and tried and true strategies to help you uncover and clear away your roadblocks to a successful relationship. You will learn to understand your own deep needs and desires to create a crystal-clear vision of the partner of your dreams. Armed with your List, it could potentially take only days for you to meet the love of your life. Guaranteed!!


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