Could A Mastermind Be The Right For You?

A Mastermind is a transformational experience that helps you to break through your barriers to a successful relationship.

Masterminds are small groups of no more than eight people who will meet in six weekly 2-hour online sessions to support and challenge each other to achieve their List Method goals.

A Mastermind is powerful because it is an intimate learning experience where you can share your dreams and get feedback and accountability from your peers. It's a safe space to be vulnerable and figure out what you want in a relationship. At the same time, you gain insight into different perspectives to challenge your limiting beliefs, assumptions, and blind spots. This type of clarity is necessary to find the love of your life.

Give yourself the best chance at finding the love of your life, and consider joining a Mastermind. It could be the most important decision you ever make.

Get Your Mastermind FREE! Bring 6 friends at full tuition, get your Mastermind for $0.00

Do you wish I could take you by the hand and walk you through the whole List Method process?

Individual Tuition $397.00

Scheduled Sessions

March 4 – April 8
June 3 - July 8
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